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  Buyers Agent FAQs:
   Showing & Offer
   Buyers Agent FAQs: Showing & Offer
▸Follow 'Special Showings Instructions' in MLS to setup a showing. You will find the exact web address to the Showing Request page, it is not an e-mail address.

▸You will not be able to find the Showing page by searching online as it is hidden from the public.

▸Definition of 'Contingent: Pending P&S' - An offer that the Seller has verbally accepted, but is pending an Executed P&S and can't be marked UAG but can still be shown for Back-Up offers.

▸The Bank does not sign offers.

▸The Bank does not consider offers that are contingent on the sale of another home.

▸The Bank does not consider Escalation Clause offers.

▸A de-winterization will only be ordered after an Executed Contract.

▸Your E-Mail must include the Property Address in the Subject Line, or it will not be reviewed.

▸Offers MUST include: Offer Form, Agency Disclosure, Offer Guide Sheet (attached to MLS), & Proof of Funds or Pre-Approval (< 30 Days Old) - As a Black & White PDF, no pictures or JPEGs allowed.

▸Do NOT Send: DotLoop, DocuSign, Cash, Deposit Checks, Inspection Reports, Pictures, or a copy of the MLS.

▸If you submitted an offer over to us over the Weekend, it will not be processed until Monday.

All offers E-Mailed to Marty's RE Must include an Offer Guide Sheet.
HomeSteps WellsFargo All Others
HomeSteps Offer Guide Sheet WellsFargo Offer Guide Sheet Standard Offer Guide Sheet